Laura Meadows


Laura Meadows is a passionate actress drawn to horror and fantasy, originally from St. Louis, Missouri. She bravely journeyed to Los Angeles to pursue her acting dreams.

Laura has left a lasting mark in entertainment, showcasing her versatility in film, TV, and digital projects spanning comedy, drama, and horror genres. Growing up, Laura had a nomadic childhood across the U.S., exploring her family’s roots in England, Scotland, Ireland, and Scandinavia. Her family’s American journey dates back to the 1600s, with ties to the Revolutionary War and settling in California via the Appalachians and Ozarks.

In Los Angeles, Laura developed a love for swimming from an early age. Encouraged by her mother, who fostered her love for horror films and artistic pursuits, Laura earned a Fine Art degree and worked as a graphic designer. She met her husband, whose family survived the Holocaust in Holland, and they have three children.

Laura is not only an accomplished actress but also a renowned fashion designer and award-winning visual artist with a BFA from the University of Missouri Columbia. Her creativity and dedication shine through in all her endeavors, making her a respected figure in entertainment.

Portrait of Laura Meadows
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